Lucy Warwick Psychotherapist

First Session & Fees
First Session
Please contact me to find a time for an initial meeting. During this first session we can talk about how therapy might work for you and you can get a feel for what it might be like working with me. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions about what therapy is about, what your expectations may be, and any anxieties you have.
We will also be able to discuss practicalities such as times to meet, holidays and what happens if you're not able to attend.
I am really interested in dreams. If you have any dreams shortly before your first session, any recurring dreams or old dreams that particularly interested you, please bring them with you.
Fees for the first session are £40. After that, if you decide to continue, my fees are £85 per session. All sessions last for 50 minutes and you will normally come once a week.
I am committed to ensuring counselling is available to all those in need and as such, offer a number of reduced fee places to those on low or no income. Please contact me if you feel this might apply to you.